Advanced GPS sport tracker to control your running and cycling trainings in real timeBASIC FEATURES:- always on screen- a large set of available measurements- real time measurements graphics- barometric altimeter (if barometric sensor is available on device)- GPS altimeter- Bluetooth LE heartrate sensor support (for Android version more than 4.3)- automatic heartrate calculation- day and night themes with automatic changing- export GPX tracks- import routes in GPX format (for Android version more than 4.4)- pedometr- map- map rotation by moving direction- previous trainings- adjustable screens- autopause
SUPPORTED MEASUREMENTS:- SPEED: current, average, max- PACE: current, max, min, average, fastest km, slowest km, last km, estimated time for the distances 5km, 10km, halfmarathon, marathon- ELEVATION: current, climb, descend, slope, min elevation, max elevation- HEARTRATE: current, max, min, heartrate zone, time in each zone- STEPS: steps in minute, steps count for training- POWER: current, max, average- CALORIES- DISTANCE- TIME: elapsed, on pause, full- ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE: current, max, min- AMBIENT TEMPERATURE